愛讀書的我,經常在書店站著看書,一站通常是半小時起跳,但是書局會有店員走來走去,整理書架放置書籍等等行動,常常讓我覺得很不舒服,也感覺自己都在白看書一樣,現在我發現一個購書的好地方,就是博客來網路書店,不會有店員盯著你不放的感覺,也可以想買什麼書都不用擔心結帳時外人眼光,最近買了一本Macmillan(Beginner)- Picture Puzzle,很開心跟大家分享購買心得,加上博客來網路書店常常有不定期的優惠,比起來在網路書店買書不用大老遠跑到實體店面,算是我目前為止覺得最方便的購書模式,所以今天特別來分享一下Macmillan(Beginner)- Picture Puzzle的購物心得!!如果你也想知道Macmillan(Beginner)- Picture Puzzle哪裡可以用最划算的價格買到,我建議你可以到博客來網路書店看看喔!!(有公信力又安全),不滿意還可以退換貨,直接用網路不需要出門,超級方便!!!
順便附上Macmillan(Beginner)- Picture Puzzle的網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/skysun/products/0010403151
Macmillan(Beginner)- Picture Puzzle
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/skysun/products/0010403151
On his way to college, Pete sees a pretty blonde girl in the shopping mall. The girl runs towards him and gives him a cassette of film. Then she runs away. She is frightened. Two men are running after her. One of the men is big and heavy. He is wearing a red shirt.
Pete takes the cassette to a film developing shop. One hour later, he has the photographs. One picture shows two men. They are near a church. A main in a suit is giving a large brown envelope to another man. This other man is big and heavy and he is wearing a red shirt.
Macmillan(Beginner)- Picture Puzzle
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/skysun/products/0010403151